Hamzat A. Abiodun

Hamzat A. Abiodun
A graduate of Medical Laboratory Science(BMLS)- University of Lagos(UNILAG). Other certificates include:
- Associate of Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria(AMLSCN), (1996)
- Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonography (RDMS), USA (2013)
- Certificate in Entreprenural Management(CEM), Pan Atlantic University, Lagos (2009)
- Masters in business Administration (MBA), LASU (2008)
- Executive MBA, China Europe International Business School, CEIBS, China (2014)
- Harvard Executive Education in Entreprenueralship and Innovation, HBS Boston, USA (2017)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT (Digital Learning), Cambridge, USA(2017)
- Advance Masters In Reproductive Medicine & IVF(2021)
- Masters In Reproductive Medicine & IVF(2021)
- Advanced Embryology Training(2021)
- Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN), Lagos
- Association Of Professional Bodies Of Nigeria (APBN), Lagos
- Healthcare Providers Association Of Nigeria (HCPAN),Lagos
- Association Of Medical Ultrasound Practitional Of Nigeria (AMUPN)
- American Institute Of Ultrasound In Medicine (AIMU),USA
- American Registry Of Diagnostic Medical Sonography(ARDMS),USA
- Institute of Assisted Reproductive Technology LTD/GTE
- Business Management
- Negotiation
- Business Advisory
- Decision Science
- Travel Experience Hong Kong, USA, China, UAE, Ghana, Turkey, Ethopia, India
Former Board member, Health Facility Monitoring and Accreditation Agency{HEFAMAA},
Ministry of Health, Lagos State. - January 2020 till date. - Contact director@probryo.com
Probryo Fertility Clinic embraces new ideas and advanced reproductive technologies to continually improve success rates and expand options for our patients.